Ramadan Mubarak & A Little Update

Daily Hijabi Magazine

Salamu Alaykum Dear Readers,

Sorry I've vanished for months! I've been busy launching a magazine and website Daily Hijabi as I mentioned before I disappeared. Which means that Fashionably Modest maybe merging or morphing into Daily Hijabi. You can follow the progress of Daily Hijabi on Twitter and sign up for the newsletter and to be notified when the site/blog is completed at Daily Hijabi For those of you living in Abuja, you can pick up a copy of Daily Hijabi at newstands and vendors.

The Magazine & Website will cover all topics from religion, to fashion, to health, finances and lots more so I hope you join me at Daily Hijabi.

Thank you, and may Allah grant us all the blessings of Ramadan.


  1. Asalamou Alaykoum and Eid Moubarak sisters, I friend of mine who happen to be a Catholic nun sent me this web site about modest clothing for Catholic women, including different way to wear Hijab, I thought of sharing it with you sister, I hope you like it.

  2. Salam sisters.

    I'm Jasmin & I'd just like to share with all of you a new treasure that I have found. A Muslimah clothing brand called HerHijab. I simply adore all their clothings!

    Btw, really nice blog you have here! :)

  3. salams :) plz check out this blog

    thanks - hope u like it

  4. Wow,this sounds super exciting! Definately gonna sign up for the newsletter :) do you know when the magazine will be up and running though? :)

    StopAndStareStyle = my super-duper fashion & style blog :D COMMENT,FOLLOW,READ & ENJOY! :D

  5. Definitely looking forward to Daily Hijabi.

  6. Hi,
    I would like to share with you a link of an islamic boutique that designs and made its own collection in Canada. They have great items and very wide collection of hijabs.

  7. Hi! – Nice Post!

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    Cheers my friends!

